10 Things You Can Do to Help Owls


Owls are beautiful animals—though not often seen because they are most active after dark. Great Horned Owls, Barn Owls, and Screech Owls are among the more common species seen in North America, and they fly silently through the night while hunting prey. Most owls would prefer to be left alone, but too often human interference causes owls harm that would not have otherwise happened.

Want to know how you can help owls? Here are ten things you can do:

1. Chimney Caps

Install a chimney cap. Smaller owls like Screech Owls have been known to find their way into chimneys—and it’s common with other birds as well. Installing a chimney cap will prevent any critters from getting into your chimney and needing rescue. Measure your chimney and get the appropriate fit.

2. No Soccer Nets

Take down soccer nets when not in use. Hungry Owl Project tracks instances of owls getting caught in nets—and soccer nets specifically are a major culprit. If you have a sports net that you use outdoors please take it down when not in use. They are especially dangerous to owls at night, but birds get caught in nets around the clock. Remove any outdoor nets when not actively in use. 

3. Poison Free Pledge

Sign the Poison Free Pledge! It’s not well known by many people, but the fact remains that any type of poison that you put into the environment will likely end up in the stomach of an animal. In the case or rat poisons—which are one of the most commonly used poisons on the market—the owls that eat the poisoned rats also suffer and die all too often. Even if you would never think of using poison, signing the Poison Free Pledge sets a good example for friends and family, and sends a clear educational message to people who might not have given a second thought to scattering poison bait into their yard.   

4. Adoption

Adopt an owl. Owls are wild animals and it’s unethical and illegal to keep them as pets. But you can symbolically adopt one through Hungry Owl Project. Though many zoos, sanctuaries, wildlife centers, and other institutions have captive owls—most of them are licensed as “educational” animals and must be handled according to strict regulations. But the ideal life for any animal is in the wild, living free and away from humans. Adopting an owl through a wildlife rehabilitation organization supports trained professionals helping owls in the wild.

5. Stop Birds Hitting Windows

Flying into windows is one of the biggest dangers to birds, including owls. But it’s an easy problem to fix! Use external insect screens that cover the entirety of your external windows, where possible. If screens aren’t an option, applying adhesive strips to the outside of the window will greatly reduce the danger of bird strikes. Stripes need to be vertical and spaced closely together. If adhesive strips are too pricey, you can paint vertical lines using a window pen.

We recommend Collidescape Bird Tape or a similar product.

6. I ❤️ Owls Bumper Sticker

Show your owl pride. Set up a monthly donation to Hungry Owl Project and we will send you one of our I ❤️ Owls bumper stickers. Show people your affinity for these beautiful nocturnal animals wherever you go. See the sticker here.

7. Keep Cats Indoors

Over 10% of the animals admitted to WildCare’s wildlife hospital end up there because they were caught by a cat. Keeping cats indoors is an easy and effective way to keep owls, birds in general, and other animals safe. Still feeling like your cat would really love to be outdoors? Build a catio and get the best of both worlds!

8. Owl Boxes

Consider installing an owl box on your property. While there is a lot to learn before making the decision to install a Barn Owl box, they can be beneficial for humans and owls alike. Barn Owls and Screech Owls use nest boxes, and can benefit people nearby by keeping rodent populations balanced. We help the owls by installing nesting boxes by providing a safe place for them to raise their young. Learn about what’s required, and if your property might be a good fit. If you’re pretty sure you might have a good spot, fill out the Owl Box Request Form.

9. Volunteer to Build Boxes

Volunteer to build owl boxes for Hungry Owl Project. If you’re in the Bay Area and are a woodworker with access to a woodshop, we would love to talk to you. We have several woodworkers in our community are always looking to add more box builders to our roster. Whether you are interested in cranking out multiple boxes a week, or could commit to making one a month—your volunteering would be greatly appreciate by us, and would help owls a lot. Contact us to discuss a mutually agreeable arrangement.

10. Monthly Donation to Hungry Owl Project

Support Hungry Owl Project. Hungry Owl Project protects owls through establishing and maintaining habitat, nesting boxes, and educating the public about the plight of owls. Become a monthly donor and get a free I HEART OWLS bumper sticker with your monthly gift. Or make a one-time donation to support our work.